Frog Insights

Opinions and Ideas for our Clients and Community



Shot of a young female designer working in her office

How To Leverage A Digital Presence Analysis – Part 3

Successfully navigating the world of digital marketing requires a strategy, a map if you will. You need to know where you are (point A) and where you want to go…

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Laughing friends crowded around a mobile phone

Don’t Do Social, Be Social!

Social interaction is the bedrock of social media marketing. In fact, it is the fundamental principle on which it was created. Therefore, being…

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Group of people sitting on the floor in front of a decorated wall. They each hold electronic devices such as phones, laptops, or tablets.

The 5 Most Exciting Social Media Trends to Watch in 2018

Last year, we sat down to analyze the top trends that we think will dominate social media in 2018. With these insights gathered, and with the new year…

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Smiling young adults standing in a line looking at their electronic devices.

How to Create a Killer Influencer Marketing Strategy

Influencer marketing is a smart way to increase exposure for your brand. Why tweet something for your two followers when you could…

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Close up of hands playing an electric guitar

5 “Boring” Companies That Are Rocking It On Social Media

Most people tend to think that social media only works for companies in industries that have a target audience of social media-motivated Millennials and Gen X-ers…

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A hand touching a floating graphic of interconnected icons

How To Leverage A Digital Presence Analysis – Part 2

In part one of our series on digital presence analyses, we explored how to perform a ‘SWOT Analysis to Review Your Digital Presence’. This included…

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