Frog Insights

Opinions and Ideas for our Clients and Community



Gold ore

4 Ways to Make Money with Your Mobile App

Like the moneyed prospectors who raced northwest to the Yukon’s Klondike region in the late 1800s in search of fortune in the form of gold…

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Man with his arms up, stand on a cliff

Social Media Audit: Gain the Competitive Edge You Need

Using social media in a way that resonates with your audience, builds trust, improves engagement, and drives sales begin with accurate insight…

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Close up of hands holding a mobile phone

Social Media Management is About Being Helpful and Creating Value

Engaging with existing and prospective customers on social networks effectively, growing those audiences, and racking up followers and ‘likes’ or stars…

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A designer using a drawing tablet with colour swatches on their desk.

5 Ways a Professional Designer Can Make Your Printed Materials Sing

A combination of digital and traditional marketing materials can build brand loyalty and spur sales. But if your printed collateral falls short…

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Geometric metal ceiling

What is Web Design?

Design is the process of collecting ideas, and aesthetically arranging and implementing them, guided by certain principles for a specific purpose. Web design…

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Macro photography of flower petals

Influencer Marketing: Putting Your Customers at the Heart of Things

The notion of influencer marketing has gained significant traction in the global marketing community over the last few years and for good reason: in our social…

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